Saturday, May 12, 2012

Freshmen Year Is OVER!

I am now officially a sophomore. Wow. I remember packing up everything, moving in, meeting my roommate. Having no friends lol. Wow. And now, I'm back in my old room, more mature, change in physical appearance, and with friends lol.

My Roommate
At first we started out pretty cool. For the most part we hung out together, mainly because we didn't have any friends yet lol. We watched movies, ate dinner, we weren't close close, but just testing the waters. We have alot of things in common, but we also differ COMPLETELY. One of the problems she had was smoking illegals. She was never at the dorm, I had it 75% of the time to myself. She stopped going to class and ended up failing one, and she also had a little run in with the law. That ended the first semester. Then, when we came back, it was different. She met new people and it seemed like she tried to get her life together. Then, she moved out and I was left alone. I no longer had a roommate, nor friends but we'll get to that. So, this semester seemed different to me because I had the room ALL TO MYSELF!!

There's more to the story about my roommate. We got along it was just the weed that got in the way. I hope that one day she gets her life back together (she's not returning to UNT) while she's at home and stop wasting her parents money. I wish her the best.

1st Semester Blues
Around September, I began having the symptoms of Gastritis and GERD, I didn't know it at the time. I just had a really bad attack like I did during the summer and it never went away. I went to the clinic and apparently it was a bacterial infection, so once i took the antibiotics, I felt fine. I also was having quick pulsatings, I didn't know where that came from. So I had to WALK to the cardiologist which was 1.34 miles away from my dorm(no ride, no bus) just to find out that I'm fine. Then, 2 weeks later, I felt sick again. I went to the doctor. She then suggested that maybe it was acid reflux. I couldn't believe that I had that, but I went on the medicine anyways. I felt fine for a couple of weeks, then I started having severe stomach cramps. I went off the medicine. For that entire week, I was in my worst condition. I didn't get any sleep, I felt sick all the time, I couldn't really eat, and I had midterms. Despite all of this, I fought my way to class. My roommate noticed this and showed her concern. Nice of her lol. I thought that perhaps I had IBS, so I finally went to the stomach doctor. They said I might need an endoscopy and colonoscopy. Ewww. I somewhat began to feel better around November. I seriously didn't want to believe that I could develop something bad in stomach. I cried and prayed every night, hoping that this sickness would go away. I was miserable. I wasn't social at all. One time, I went without talking to ANYONE for a whole week. Seriously. My voice sounded weird when I did and I had speech problems lol. SERIOUSLY. Once I started feeling better I began to talk.

Fast forward to around the last week in December, I finally had my endoscopy. And the results. I have gastritis and GERD. I was devastated. Because of the medication they put me on, I felt sick, depressed, the side effects gave me panic attacks and almost put me in the hospital. I stopped taking it of course, but I did research and found that all the medications for GERD and acid reflux, are all the same. They make me feel even worse than how I felt before. There was no cure. I have it for life. My life was over. But then, I stumbled upon natural remedies. I tried them and I still am. Everyday I would look up natural remedies to soothe myself, because I started feeling sick again. I had to find a cure! So from January to March, I tried alot of things. As of right now, the 2 that help are DGL Licorice and coconut water!! I realized that my main problem was the gastritis, not the GERD.

Every now and then I get depressed that I can't eat the way I used to. I've lost 27lbs. I can't drink, I can't have spicy things, pasta, everything that I used to love. It sucks. But, if I don't wanna suffer the consequences(which I still do from time to time) I discipline myself.

2nd Semester Happiness!
Because I have remedies that keep me from getting sick, I was able to smile more this semester. I went out from hiding and met new people. I joined the Korean Culture Exchange club and met WONDERFUL people. I have friends now lol. I'll be in an apartment next year, with my wonderful roommate and my friends live there also! I'm excited. I was able to take a vocal class this semester and regained my voice. I've started learning Korean and now I can read Hangul. I became friends with actual Koreans and impressed them with my advanced Korean lol. I was truly happy. But then...

The Car Accident
On my way back to UNT from Spring Break, I was involved in a car accident. I cannot go into much details. Everyone is ok, I'm ok. The only thing that suffered was my car(in the car graveyard now) and my eye. From the whiplash, I had a muscle somewhat detach from the tissue, causing me to see spots everywhere. I went to see the eye doctor and he said that gradually it'll go away. Hopefully.

That was probably the hardest time in my life apart from last semester. This accident involved multiple people and I didn't want that to happen. I'm perfect. How could I slip up? But I think that God has a reason for everything. The accident brought me closer to my family and friends. They supported me throughout it all. Now it's of the past. I don't have a car anymore lol, but we are looking again. This made me realize that I have a loving family and great friends. I will never forget them for that!!

This year has taught me so much. Because of the suffering of last semester, I'm so much more mature. My tone has changed, I am no longer as happy-go-lucky like I used to be. I don't smile much and I don't talk as much. I've learned to step back and watch people. College has made me more cynical of people. I trusted people with info I shouldn't have, I opened my heart to people I shouldn't have...but this just made me appreciate my real friends. College is truly a learning experience. I've met great people, I've met people that took advantage of me as well. Group projects suck in college lol. I learned that people don't really care about you. They smile in your face for one second, then stab you in the back. I cried many times. It was hard not having your parents do everything for you. In college, I had to do everything myself. But, I'm glad I went through everything. In the end, I'm stronger...

Summer 2012!
Well, I got back home last night. There's plenty to unpack, but I'm too lazy to do it. I've got 3 months here. This summer, I plan on LIVING. I now want to live for myself. I plan on learning Korean, and trying to sing in different languages lol. I plan on starting my decoden business. I made my first phone case for my friend and she like it. I just need the money to buy more supplies lol....I plan on traveling to Delaware for my cousin's graduation in a couple of weeks. Then we are going on a cruise at the end of July to Jamaica, Grand Cayman Islands and Cozumel I think(?). I hope to get a JOB! That's the main thing. I need a job! And I plan on auditioning for YG lol. I'm just gonna spam him with emails or make a youtube channel if I think I'm ready to become a Youtube Star lol. We'll see how that goes... I plan on continuing with my drama reviews and kpop, I wish I had more followers...but yea.

I just want to live!

THIS IS A REALLY LONG POST. If you read all of it, thank you lol

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