This week's episode continues to bring laughter as we watch the members play games again! The episode's theme is 'God of Luck' so the members will go through various games that solely involve winning based off their luck.
First Game: There are 7 sticks that each member must hit on their head to see which stick is wooden, and which isn't. Very painful experience. Everyone picks a number between 1-7. A few members change with each other and some stay the same, mainly Jr who claimed he had a "feeling". Turns out, his feeling was right. It came down to Mark, Jr and Jackson. Everyone thought Mark would have it but nope, it was Jr. So Jr wins the first round while everyone else painfully hit their heads for no reason haha.
Second Game: This game was to blow candles out with their noses. Of course this is nothing new to the Korean variety world, it's almost like a rite of passage with idols to play this game! This game doesn't really determine their luck, it's to create the organization of how the next game will go. Mark ends up blowing out 6 candles, while Bam Bam and Yugeom come in dead last with none. So, Mark is the first to choose in the next game.
Third Game: This game is also quite simple. The members have to pick a box and sit on it. If they fall through, they lost, therefore only 1 member would have picked the correct box by sitting on it. The winner for this is Yugeom! What's amazing about this is that Yugeom didn't get the opportunity to choose a box since everyone went before him. He luckily got the correct box thanks to everyone else's choosing even though he lost in the 2nd game! AMAZING!
Fourth Game: Also, no stranger to this is the Chicken fight game. The remaining members fight each other to pick their order of how they will go on to the next game.
Fifth Game: Everyone remaining has to eat chicken skewers that are extremely spicy. Some skewers are mild, while some are extremely spicy. Mark, Youngjae and Bam Bam can handle the spicy so they enthusiastically eat the skewers. Jackson and JB unfortunately cannot handle it so they go to the final game to decide who gets the punishment this week.
Final Game: There are two bottles placed on a table that Jackson and JB have to choose from. One bottle contains mist, the other bottle contains black charcoal mist haha. Throughout the entire episode, Jackson and JB would constantly switch with each other in hopes of turning their fate around but that doesn't happen since they are left in the final round. Of course, they switch constantly this time and Jackson ends up with the charcoal lolol.
Good episode!
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