It's the 'Wedding Race'!!! It's a follow up of what happened last week with idols Suzy from miss A, Krystal from f(x), Hyuna from 4Minute, and Seung-yeon with Gyuri from KARA.
We start off with Haha waking up, finding a letter on his door. There's a recap of last nights events where Jong Kook gets to choose the couples. So Jong Kook happily put Haha with Suzy since they are brothers lol. So Haha and Suzy are reunited again. They have 100 seconds to find their couple before they drink the flower tea, and we all know what happened last time when they drank the flower tea, LOL. So Haha hurres to find Suzy. At first she denies him, but it was a joke, so Haha throws the flower tea out and they run back. Jong Kook goes to find Hyuna, his partner, then Suk Jin is with Ji hyo, Jae suk with Seung-yeon, Gwangsoo with Gyuri and Gary with Krystal lol. Not bad pairings, this will be interesting, I think everyone is happy with the results.
They all meet up after Gwangsoo and Gyuri finally arrive, and the producers explains that this is going to be a wedding race. There will be multiple missions and whoever wins get's a tiara. Ooohhh!! And they're off!!
First Stage) The first race is a quiz. They have to run and pick which item they want(home appliances) and if they answer the question right, they get it. So of course everyone runs to get the buzzer and there is total chaos lol, Once they calm themselves, Gary and Krystal are the first.
The question is, 'What is the name of a pillow and blanket that couple sleep on?' Eh? I don't know and of course they don't know, but Gary just says something silly and gets it wrong lol. Then, chaos ensues again, this time Hyuna falls on the floor so the husbands get angry lol. They ran to the buzzer unnecessarily because the producer didn't say 'start' LOL.
After a bunch of foolishness, Jaesuk and Seung-yeon win the smart tv. The producer introduces that there's a chance box that they can use to steal someone's prize. Hyuna gets mad that he would just now tell them this and Jong Kook's Sparta theme comes on lol. Jong Kook agrees and they are now the Tiger Couple LOL.
After a while, Suzy and Haha win the question on how to say I Love You in 5 languages in 3 seconds lol. They get the coffee machine from Kim Jong Kook. Next, Jong kook calls for 'Chance' so they can steal the TV from Jaesuk. The riddle is:'Haha and Jaesuk are brothers, Haha marries Suzy and have a child name Jong Kook. How are Jong kook and Jaesuk related?' Since they only had a short amount of time to think, Jong kook answered 2nd cousin LOL. No. Gary and Krystal go up and they answer the right answer Uncle, so now they get the TV lol. Next up for grabs in a medicine bowl LOL since Suk Jin picked it lol. The question involves certain Hangul letters, Suk Jin wins(The Wedding March was the answer) but no one fretted since he did get his medicine bowl lol. Next is the air conditioner from Jae suk and Seung-yeon. Question is: "In traditional Korean weddings, a wooden animal figure symbolizes the couple to grow old together. What is the animal?" The answer is goose and Jae suk and Seung-yeon get it right finally after a bunch of foolishness.
Next, Suzy and Haha use a chance to steal Suk jin's medicine bowl LOLLLL. Question:'Monday of the 3rd week of May is dedicated to people turning 20. What are the 3 gifts given to them?' Answer is rose, perfume, kiss and they get it right so they steal the medicine bowl LOL. So Haha and Suzy get to leave first.
As Haha and Suzy go on to their next mission, the quiz game continues. Suk jin and Ji hyo ask for the fan (only grooms can answer now)and the question is: 'The total number of of members in the idol groups the guest are in?' I know the answer haha, 4 and 5(miss A has 4 members, Kara, f(x) and 4Minute all have 5 members). But I got that wrong, it's TOTAL number so, 5*3+4 equals 19. Jaesuk and Seung-yeon get it right so they get to leave. However, they have to wait on the 3rd team to leave, BWAHAHAHAHAHA, wait to go Running Man producers, always a catch. Next, Jong kook and Hyuna choose the iron, question is: 'What is the headpiece the bride wears in traditional Korean weddings?' Answer is jokduri answered by Gwangsoo and Gyuri so now they get to leave since the producer changed the rules.
2nd Stage) Haha and Suzy arrive first to the 2nd destination for the race. They have to take a picture holding a bouquet but as they jump, they have to be inside the heart in order to succeed. Jaesuk and Seung-yeon arrive with Gwangsoo and Gyuri next. As they are about to jump, Ji hyo and Suk jin arrive and start jumping with them LOL No one succeeded since Ji hyo was in all of them but it was close with Gary and Krystal but Jaesuk was in the way LOL. Once again, Gary and Krystal would've won the next round but since they weren't in the heart, no one succeeded. Lastly, Jong Kook and Hyuna arrive. Once everyone is ready, they try to have order but chaos ensues lol. No one succeeds this time LOL. Eventually after more chaos and foolishness, Gary and Krystal are successful and win. They go on to the 3rd destination. Next couple to win is Gwangsoo and Gyuri(he had to piggyback her because of the height difference lol). Next couple is Haha and Suzy(they made a line so one by one everyone got a chance to jump). Gwangsoo and Haha have to leave together to go to next destination. Next is Ji hyo and Suk jin's success and lastly Jong kook and Jaesuk succeed together so finally they can leave!
3rd Stage) This stage is to lift the bride and run to the first flag within 10 seconds. BWAHAHAHA, this should be interesting, especially with Haha and Suzy with Suzy being taller than Haha, just like last time when they coupled together. If you fail, there's another mission, so you might end up running the entire length of the bridge. LOL, oh Running Man, you kill me lol. Gary and Krystal of course fail with 13 seconds, LOL. They go on to the next mission which is to lift the bride up and down 7 times in 10 seconds. LOL, oh my goodness, I'm sure Gary's already tired LOL. Running Man, YOU KILL ME lol. Once they realize that Gwangsoo and Haha are arriving they begin to hurry up. Gary tries it but fails after lifting her up 2 times, yelling out a loud cry of struggle, LOLLLLL. As they move on to the 3rd section, Haha and Suzy with Gwangsoo and Gyuri getting ready to start the 1st. Gwangsoo starts off pretty fast then quickly decreases, they finish with 13 seconds lol. Haha and Suzy obviously don't succeed with Haha yelling the whole way, they come in with 17 seconds LOL. In the 3rd section, they have a shorter distance to race with only 11 seconds so Gary and Krystal start. They did it in 9:59 seconds so they proceed to final destination. Gwangsoo and Gyuri go to the 2nd section and he manages to lift her up 7 times which surprised me, but he failed, his time was 10.75 seconds LOLLLLLLL. Haha and Suzy are next and he can't even go all the way down LOLL. Gwangsoo and Gyuri go to the last section which they too complete in 9 seconds so they get to go to the final destination. Haha and Suzy try and they too succeed with 9 seconds! Everyone advances but the last 3 couples still haven't made it yet LOL.
Gwangsoo and Gyuri, with Haha and Suzy proceed to the final stage. Gyuri, the supportive bride massages Gwang soo while he drives, awwwwww. Back to the 3rd stage, Jong Kook and Hyuna, the Tiger Couple start the 1st section. Jong Kook takes off and for a second is going as fast as the cars!!! They finish in 9.26 seconds LOL. As expected, so now they go to the final destination just like that lol. Since they have to wait on a 2nd couple(Jae Suk and Seung-yeon) they watch. They didn't succeed in the 1 section because of 13 seconds, so they proceed to the 2nd, they finish so now they get to go. Suk jin and Ji hyo finally go and he definitely fails, coming in at 18 seconds LOL. They fail in the 2, 3rd, and 4th section LOLLLLLL. They finally win and get to leave BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Wow.
Final Stage) This stage is at a wedding hall where they have to remove couple gloves to get them out, you're out if you remove your glove or if your hands separate lol. Running Man, this is ridiculous, wouldn't they be tired by now LOL. They aren't like individual gloves but a couple glove, they connect together so it'll be difficult keeping it on as they run and take others off. Since Krystal and Gary arrive first, they get a bonus of a reflecting bracelet. So whoever removes their glove, they will be the ones to get out, not not Krystal and Gary. Daebak!! As they start to come in, everyone creates strategies and alliances to get Kim Jong Kook OF COURSE. The best line I've heard from Running Man was, Gwangsoo:'If I betray first, I will get double eyelid surgery' BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh my goodness. So the weak unite to get Jong Kook and split up. However, right after, Jong Kook and Hyuna enter quite dramatically but they don't know what's going on. Everyone swarms around them lol. for the first time in a LONGGGG time, Jong Kook IS RUNNING, HUNTED!!! LOL. As all this is going on, Gary and Krystal ARE STILL HIDING LOL, oh my. They will come out when only 2 teams are left since they have a reflecting bracelet so they're just gonna sleep LOL. Everyone else is enjoying the taste of being the chaser, constantly chasing Jong Kook and Hyuna. Hyuna says it must suck being the Terminator's wife LOL They have Jong Kook surrounded and they start using their strategy of having the girls attack since he's weak with girls LOL. It fails and Jong Kook all of a sudden grabs Seung-yeon but he fails so Jong Kook and Hyuna run away. Meanwhile, Gary and Krystal are STILL hiding.
Now, the alliance move to the bridal room where Gary and Krystal are hiding and find them. They want to eliminate them so they corner Gary and Krystal, but in order to keep them from finding out about the reflective bracelet so soon, Gary strikes and takes off Suk Jin and Ji hyo's glove LOL They immediately ask them to join the team LOL. So Ji hyo and Suk jin are out. Then, Gary takes off Gwangsoo and Gyuri's name tag LOLLLL. DAEBAK!! I guess hiding for so long and sleeping did Gary well. The alliance team is now falling apart LOLLLLLL. However, Gary joins up with Haha and Jaesuk to get Jong Kook. When the oppurtunity arises, Haha gives Gary signals to take out Jaesuk and Seung-yeon which he does. So now it's Haha and Suzy, Gary and Krystal, and Hyuna and Jong Kook.
Seung-yeon starts laughing uncontrollably because it's absurd LOLLLL. So the remaining kid couple versus the hyung start. The push in the VIP room to get Jong Kook to come out, everyone is pushing and pulling I can't see if anyone's in danger, then Jong Kook and Hyuna are out by Haha and Suzy!! YES! So Haha attacks Gary breaking the link and they start celebrating, BUT THEN KRYSTAL AND GARY PULL OUT THEIR REFLECTIVE BRACELETS!!! THEY WON!!! Their strategy was pretty good, surviving till the end and of course the bracelet was extremely advantageous. Everyone stares in awe and hatred as Krystal gets to take the gold tiara as her prize!
Overall: This episode was pretty funny, a must watch in my opinion. Some of the couple suited each other, some didn't. The #1 couple to me is Gyuri and Gwangsoo, she was extremely supportive of him, giving him massages, asking if he was ok, even after falling down and getting beat up so many times. I was shocked, about Gyuri's personality. She looks like an ice queen and I've heard bad things about her, especially with her splitting up Kara and what not. Also, Gyuri and Seung-yeon didn't interact much given that they are from the same group, but I heard that the group is split between those that wanted to leave the company and those that wanted to stay. Either way, she was extremely cute and nice, I liked them!! Also, Haha and Suzy make a good team, they came in 2nd place this time and last time they won, so even though they are somewhat awkward and silly, they're very strong to compete against. Jae Suk and Seung-yeon match, I think we saw them the most mainly because Jae suk is the MC, but Seung-yeon was constantly in your face(in a good way) she has good variety skills, they worked well. Next, I don't think Krystal and Gary suit each other well, their personalities are different. Gary is pretty dominating and so is Krystal, so they conflict, even though they won. They only won because of Gary and the reflective bracelet. Only Gary and Ji hyo work out. Also, Hyuna and Jong Kook didn't match like I wanted them to be lol. At first, the suited each other, they're both competitive and they both yell at their opponents lol. However, Hyuna is just cute, she didn't do much on her part. She did support him that one time, but that was it. Also, Jong kook is very dominating so Hyuna was just dragged along most of the time and Hyuna took alot of bruises since everyone came after them lol. So only Jong Kook and Ji hyo or Eun Hye can tame him lol. Lastly is Suk jin and Ji hyo, they didn't get much camera time. Actually, Suk jin did get alot becuase he was funny during the quiz section, but after that, we barely saw the two. The ace and the weak don't go together lol.
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