Thursday, May 31, 2012

Running Man Episode 96 Review

On this week's episode, it's the Superpower Soccer episode with guests Park Ji Sung and IU!!

This episode is Running Man members versus Park Ji Sung but he gets help. Park Ji Sung rips off the members name tags that he doesn't want on his team, and keeps, GWANGSOO!! Obviously, he's using Gwangsoo's legs and height for an advantage, smart, even though Park Ji Sung pretty much does things himself lol. Now, of course, that would leave Jong Kook, IU, Haha, Jae Suk, Gary, Suk Jin, and Ji Hyo at a disadvantage so everyone gets a superpower, except Ji Sung. Ooop. It's a redo of the Powers episode! I hope it'll be just as epic as the last time, however, the members don't know how to use their powers correctly lol.

First Half: The game starts and immediately, it is revealed that Jong Kook has a Red Card Power, meaning he can take out someone who is big and awkward like him, meaning he can take someone out on his same team. LOL, weak. Next, Haha is attached to some strings and what not and there's a big crane over him, so that means, Haha has Flying Ability which he uses lol. Haha gets the ball passed to him and is only able to fly once in one direction:straight lol. He's flying across, literally, but since he's so scared, he starts flailing around and drops the ball LOL. This enables Ji Sung to then shoot the ball into the goal far away, because EVERYONE followed Haha when he flew. No one was blocking the goal LOL. USELESS I tell you!!!!!!
Then, Gary has the ability to Release Fake Balls to cause confusion, just as Gwangsoo is about to score LOLLLLLLLLL. However, apparently that was on accident LOL. Oh my goodness. USELESS. Then, Park Ji Sung and Gwangsoo score AGAIN, caused by Gwangsoo's butt and the scared IU and Ji Hyo trying to be goalies LOL. OMO. Afterwards, Haha tries his power again, and is again completely useless LOL. Gwangsoo is about to score, but then Suk Jin shouts, 'JAWOOSA!!' His spell is Wooswa moves the goal to the right, Jwasa moves the goal to the left. The production crew try to move the goal but they are too slow and Gwangsoo gets the goal anyways. LOLLLLL I'M DYING OF THEIR USELESSNESS LOL. Then, as Gary goes up against Ji Sung, he's able to maneuver around Gary and Gary accidentally does the splits, LOLLLLLLLLLLLLL HAHAHAHA OMG *DEAD* LOLLLLLLL. Ji Sung and Gwangsoo score again, now it's 4-0 lol. Jong Kook is getting angry now lol. With team work and foolishness, Jong Kook's team finally scores!!
Ji Hyo then activates her power, which is to Hold the Ball for 10 seconds. Cheaters lol. Unfair. But even with her power, Ji Sung prevails and scores AGAIN. Daebak. Unstoppable! Haha and Ji Hyo try to work together by having him fly up with the ball so when he drops it, Ji Hyo can catch it and make the goal. But due to Haha's consistent incompetency, he doesn't drop it at the right time and once again Ji Sung steals the ball. LOL. IU then activates her power, which is to be Escorted  to the goal but only in half time. Lol. Really. LOL. She is successful and now it's 5-2!!

Eventually it becomes 5-4 and Jae Suk activates his power, which is Wind, fans will be turned on at hyper speed to interfere Ji Sung's attack. However, that takes too long and Ji Sung still scores LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.
Gwangsoo activates his power, Stopping Time, production crew come out in green suits and stop the other team members for 30 seconds but this can only be used once in one half time. Daebak. Ji Sung walks to the goal and cutely shoots it on the ground with his head, cute!! Gwangsoo uses the time to beat up Jong Kook LOLLLLLLLL. 
Since only 15 MINUTES HAD PASSED, they get a 20 minute break LOL. Really? It's only been 15 minutes?? The score is now 7-4. HAHA. Everyone is really tired and Gary is like dead lol. During the break, the teams start discussing strategies. Park Ji Sung and Gwangsoo will pretty much stick to what they've been doing. Ji Sung will defend and pass the ball to Gwangsoo to shoot. The other team think that IU's is the most advantageous so they keep that in mind. 

Second Half: It starts and Jong Kook's team is able to score thanks to Gary and even though it's through foolishness hahaha. It becomes 7-5. Jaesuk uses his power again, and he prevails after Ji Sung tries to shoot.  Jaesuk makes a goal thanks to the wind, making it 7-6!! After a while, it becomes 10-8! Everyone starts using their powers on Jong Kook's team together but Haha fails...again LOL. Gary is able to get the ball and has a pretty fair chance, but then Ji Sung seriously flies across the field and lightning speed and veers the ball off course. DAMMMMMn. Seriously, he like ran in 3 seconds the entire length of the field to catch up to Gary! I had to rewind that and see it again. Ji Sung is freaking daebak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I definitely know why Ji Sung is very valuable and talented enough to play with Manchester United. Jeez. Anyways, Haha tries to block the ball in the air and make the goal...but he fails. LOL. He has the most useless power!!! The most advantageous is Suk Jin, IU, and Jae Suk's power because they are the most successful. Since Ji Sung was able to steal the ball, Suk Jin successfully coordinates with his Wooswa team and they move the goal whenever he needs them too. Daebak. Gary tries some fancy footwork on Ji Sung but then once he kicks the ball, it hits IU in the stomach really hard LOLLLLLL. Their team gets a Yellow Card LOLLLLLLLLLLLL. Jong Kook threatens to give Gary the red card lol. After they pull it together, Jong Kook succeeds in tricking Ji Sung and scores a goal!! It's 11-9 and IU activates her power and scores. Feeling good about the score, Suk Jin uses his power to move the goal but Ji sung scores anyway! Daebak!! Ji Sung is able to score again, and the final score is 13-10!! Yay!!! GG!! I didn't expect the Running Man to score at all but I'm sure it's bc Ji Sung let them score and of course the super powers.

Next Round Prize Race: At the end, for the next day's team, Ji Sung gets to choose his team members. He chooses Jae Suk and Jong Kook so they're pretty much unstoppable LOLLL. Everyone is in teams, Gwangsoo, Suk Jin and Ji hyo(WHITE), IU, Haha, Gary(BLUE), and Ji Sung, Jong Kook, and Jae Suk(GREEN hahha). The race is called, 'Prize Race' where in every mission, they receive a prize, the faster they go, the higher the prizes are. The team will be more advantageous when they receive the highest prizes in the end. Since the goal for this episode is to when and get to play with Ji Sung at the Asian Summer Cup in Thailand, so the prize money is in bahts. 
First Location: Fish Market, Ji Sung's team arrive first and they order off the menu. Of course, everyone knows that you have to either order the least amount of food, or pay attention to the way it's served! Everyone eats peacefully and what not, talking about IU's birthday gift LOL. Ah, it was the first time in a while when I just sat down and seriously laughed at Running Man, because it seemed to scripted, but after watching them laugh about nothing for the past 10 minutes, it reminded me again of why I love this show. 
Anyways, after they finish eating, the producer hands each team a card saying to 'Sell fresh fish as much as the total of your team ate.' BWAHAHAHAHAHA. IU's team spent a total of  118, 000 won which translates to $100, wow! Ji hyo's team spent $124 and Ji Sung's team spent $157 thanks to the actors and staff who ordered expensive meals LOL. Dang. 
They start off and of course, Ji Sung, Jae Suk and Jong Kook would immediately get customers, it's the killer team! You have the nation's MC, the nation's #1 soccer player, and the hot Commander/singer from the 90's. It's evident! IU's team is also able to rake them in because of he uncle fans, they love her. They are the first to finish!! Ji hyo's team tries the incentive of fan service too, but they're too late haha. The prize is 30,000 baht and so they go off to the next location. Ji Sung's team finish next and they receive 15,000 baht.

Second Location: At the University, find someone who has the same color shirt, and just bring them to the banner and you pass! Of course, that's not really it. Once they get their team of 6 together, they have to play tug-of-war. Since Ji hyo's team arrived first, they win by default and come in 2nd place for the 'tournament.' Therefore, IU's team has to face Jong Kook's team...we def know how that's gonna go. Jong Kook's team win the first time, so to make it a little fair, the PD says they can switch out members so the Blue team pick out an athletic person. They start the 2nd round and it seems more difficult but then Gwangsoo cheats and holds Jong Kook's arm back so IU's team wins LOL. Jong Kook's team wins, it was intense, so now they face Ji hyo's team. Jong Kook wins, so the White team switch out for stronger members. They win the round so now it's tied! For the last round, it was intense indeed!! Daebak~~~Jong Kook's team won, it looked extremely awesome, since both sides were pretty much equal, but Jong Kook is THE man.

Third Location: During the car ride to the last place, Jong Kook randomly asked if Ji Sung was a spy(scripted, as usual) and of course he is. He has to eliminate the Running Man members except for his scout, partner. Ji Sung will get the money he collected during the missions, plus, during the 7 goals he made alone during soccer, is converted to 500 baht each so thats 1200 baht he gets. He starts with 3500 baht and  has to choose a member off the menu!! 

In next week's episode, they will continue with awesomeness!!!!!

Overall: This is a must see episode, it's hilarious!!!!! Park Ji Sung knows variety well, he's quite witty with his jokes. He was so cute!!!! I found myself attracted to him hahahaha. I stated earlier about how Running Man was so funny. Well, lately, for the past 30 episodes, Running Man has seemed extremely scripted. Running Man is no longer as awesome as it used to be because things are very predictable now. They've gone into the safe zone. I swear, watch episodes 70 and below and you will see the difference. I really want Running Man to go back to the way it used to be, I understand they switch things up, but now it's getting old and not as funny. Every guest is a spy, the info about the next guest is leaked or released so there's no surprise, the members figure things out too quickly or the VJ's tell them everything. Running Man no longer has that element of surprise. Now, I will admit, the Prison Break with Yoo Jae suk episode was pretty good and extremely different. I wasn't expecting that at all, but now things are getting old. I know that at almost 100 episodes, I'm sure that people would get tired of running around in malls or going to fish markets. I understand that they have to be more involved with the people of Korea, but the missions are getting boring. However, I continue to watch Running Man every week because it was such a mood lifter, but now it's losing its touch. I hope we can go back to the hilarious, not as scripted, hide and seek with bells self. Please.

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