Thursday, June 7, 2012

Bridal Mask Episode 3

WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. Yall need to watch this freaking drama if you don't already. Seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since Kang-to couldn't deliver and let Gaksital get away, he's in big trouble. He must follow up on his promise, as being pressured by the Evil Crew. However, Kono gives him one last chance, then they have to assume he's on the same side as Gaksital.
Once Kang-to leaves while he's extremely determined, Kono reveals that he knows about the picture that Kang-to found, linking Gatksital with them. There is now brewing suspicion between Kono and the Evil Crew and Kang-to.

Meanwhile, at Kishokai's headquarters, a man that said Kang-to's family was dead, is being punished for his mistake and is killed. Kimura calls in, saying that they're sorry for not catching Gaksital. Chief Ueno requests for them to find Kang-to's family because he thinks they are connected to Gaksital.

Kang-to goes around, searching for Mak Dan again, creating terror everywhere he goes. On the other hand, after being dropped off in the mountains, Mak Dan is making her way through, stumbling in the dark and rain, and finds Shunji's school house. He takes her in and finds out that Kang-to and Shunji are friends. She tries to leave but Kang-to shows up at the house. Uh oh. Quickly, she hides in the closet as Kang-to and Shunji talk. Kang-to changes into his uniform and realizes that Shunji is sticking close to the closet. He pushes him away jokingly, thinking he's hiding a woman so he can get his freak on lol and finds Mok Dan facing backwards naked. Oh. Kang-to will let them get their freak on in peace and leaves without seeing her face lol.

Shunji takes Mok Dan back to her circus camp.

The next day, Kang-to storms into the village with his officers, beating and taking every man that might have calluses on their hands, regardless of age. It was cold-blooded man.
Everyone is brutally beat and taken away.
Kang-san aka Gaksital, sees everyone crying out and goes to stop Kang-to from beating the men. However, Kang-to pushes him down and starts kicking him, wishing that he would die and that things would be easier if he just died. Wow. Man.
That was some sad shit.
Their mother comes out to stop Kang-to from beating his brother and pretty much disowns him because Kang-to disowns his own blood. He is no longer weak Lee Kang-to, but Sato Hiroshi. Damn.

Transitioning over, we find the back drop of Count Lee Shi-young who is hiding inside his mansion because he's afraid of Gaksital. He develops insomnia, and stomach problems and what not. So his wife who is a whore pretty much, goes to see the Doctor to get something for him.

At the station, the villagers are unloaded and taken in to be tortured. Kang-to personally beats them, and Kang-san comes waddling in, asking for Kang-to. He ends up being thrown out and Kang-to ignores him. Cold blooded.

That night, at the hospital of Government General of Korea, Korean patients beg to save a man because he was beat the market. But he's turned away by Doctor Oh because they only treat Japanese and the man dies. DANG!!! Lee Shi-young's wife Hwa-kyung arrives and is about to get her freak on with Doctor Oh while a man died outside the building, when Gaksital appears and presses her pressure point to knock her out. He forces Doctor Oh to call Kang-to so they can release the innocent men otherwise they will die. Kang-to and his team rush over there. Hwa-kyung is wheeled out in a wheelchair, saying that Gaksital wants them to first let go of the innocent people. They do, and he releases Doctor Oh. Then, an intense chase ensues.

Kang-to chases after Gaksital as he's being shoot at by snipers. He ends up getting hit in the leg but he keeps going. Meanwhile, the con man that tried to kill Kang-to last episode, is secretly let out and order to kill him again. He's about to succeed but Gaksital stops him again. Thinking he's knocked out, Kang-to catches up and is about to shoot Gaksital. The con man wakes up and tries to attack Kang-to but Gaksital knocks the knife down and Kang-to shoots him. He then realizes that Gaksital just saved him again, and starts asking, 'WHO ARE YOU!! TAKE OFF THE MASK!!'

Gosh darnit!! HURRY UP AND SUB THE NEXT EPISODE! Will he find out that his retarded brother is actually Gaksital?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH SHIT!

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