Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Running Man Episode 152 Review

Continuing with last week's guests, the wonderful Jung Woo sung, Han Hyo Joo and Lee Junho of 2pm who are promoting their new movie. This time, the episode is filled with amusement. If you haven't seen the prior episode, watch episode 151 for free by clicking on that link!!

1st Race: Watermelon Relay race...HAHAHAHAHA. Doesn't take much explaining, but each member has to eat a few watermelons then pass it on to the next member. Whoever takes the last bite of the last watermelon wins. Here are the teams:
Blue team:
1. Jung Woo Sung
2. Jae Suk
3. Ji Hyo
4. Haha
5. Gary
Red team:
1. Junho
2. Hyo Joo
3. Suk Jin
4. Gwangsoo
5. Jong Kook
Blue team easily take the race after much foolishness thanks to Gwangsoo and his sabotaging the team for Jong Kook hahahaha.
At the end of each mission, they collect prizes that you would need for a vacation trip. Whichever number they choose, that's what they get. At the end, they will of course compete for the prizes they want, judging on the winners of the last team.
2nd Mission: Blob jump!!!! Also easy to explain. One member jumps onto the blob thing in the lake and waits on the end IF they stick the landing. The remaining members (except for the girls they go last) will jump, making their weight propel the person at the end of the blob upward into the air as high as they can. The highest jump wins.
Woo Sung shows off his variety skills that Korea didn't know he possessed by jumping and failing numerous times HAHAHAHA. That's ok, I still love you!!!
Eventually, both teams get on track and they starting jumping properly. Jong Kook of course sets the bar and jumps over 5 meters.
Then Woo sung follows suit and jumps higher. But Ji Hyo sets the record at 7.86 meters DANGGGGGGGGGGG.
So it's up to Hyo Joo to beat her.....but she falls short a few centimeters and again the Blue team wins!!!
3rd Mission: Wrestling! Of course! Since they have Hyo Joo it's only right!!
Ji Hyo is able to take down Suk Jin and Gwangsoo!! But she loses to Hyo Joo of course since she's AMAZING at counterattacking.
Finally they match worth anticipating, Woo Sung versus Jong Kook. 
Unfortunately Woo Sung loses since Kim Jong Kook is a freaking force!
Final Race: It's just team versus team here to collect the prizes. After multiple provocations and foolishness, Blue team wins after Woo Sung annihilates Junho and Jong Kook!!!

And now to next week's episode.
Everyone knows this already but Park Ji Sung, the nation's soccer player and previous guest is back once again a year later!! Asian Dream Cup 2!!!!
We bring along irrelevant Sulli who will get absolutely NO screen time (sorry) and Gu Ja-cheol who is also a famous soccer player.
The previews for that episode look awesome and intense and more soccer!

This episode was funny, mainly thanks to Woo Sung hahahaha. I feel like they just let him win though...but I mean he is Jung Woo Sung. THE Jung Woo Sung. Jun ho got more screen time here, good and Hyo Joo wasn't a problem so these were good 2 episodes with them! Hopefully that brought up the viewer ratings Running Man has been suffering from (I blame the PD).
But great episode!
Check out some of Jung Woo Sung's stuff on Dramafever (skip "Athena") and watch Padam Padam, "The Good, the Bad, the Weird, A Moment to Remember, just EVERYTHING with him in (except Athena). 

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