Monday, July 22, 2013

Running Man Episode 155 Review

Happy 3 year Anniversary Running Man!!!!!!!!!!! I hope we get another 3 years too!!!!

Now, for the episode HIGHLY anticipated, and what we've all been waiting for, Episode 155 is supposed to be horror themed. And with Ji Hyo crying saying she couldn't continue filming, I hope this is a good episode. I have been DYING for a horror episode (apart from Choi Min Soo) but something legit. Hopefully they don't disappoint and it's not scripted......

We get a glimpse of the future and we see Gwangsoo and Suk Jin holding onto each other walking and find a mirror, asking if they are "destiny partners" then we get the spooky trailer...and it takes us back to the past.
Ahhhhh dis gon be GOOD

We have a typical happy greeting, they in school uniforms at school LMAAAAO, Ji Hyo comes in followed by Suzy. With how they sit in columns, their team is decided. Ji Hyo, Suk Jin, Gwangsoo and Gary are team, while Suzy, Jae Suk, Haha and Jong Kook are a team. Seriously I LOVE IT when Haha and Suzy are a team because they are PERFECT together. Seriously. I love Suzy hahahahahaha. ANYWAYS.
1st Period: Using the Parabolics law in Physics (lmao wat) they have to throw their shoe, using their foot, to make the shoe land in their cubby hole with their names on it. They have to do it exactly at a 45 degree angle...lmaoooooo. 

Of course, Suk Jin and Haha are the first to get their shoes in since they're EXTREMELY good at games. But in order to pass you need 2 people from the same team to get their shoes in. Gary is able to get his in eventually so Suk Jin and Gary win.
2nd Period: Arm wrestling hahaha. But it's couple arm wrestling, so Suzy and Jong Kook vs Ji Hyo and Suk Jin. You can tell who won that round, so now its Suzy and Jong Kook vs Ji Hyo and Gary.

 Also, you can tell who won that round (btw Suzy is known for being one of the top female idols who is good at arm wrestling). Anyways Jong Kook pretty much killed competition so they just skip to 4th period.
3rd Period: 

4th Period: Each team has to hide their belongings so when they search, if the opposite team finds your belongings, they can then rip that person's nametag off. This only lasts for 10 minutes though so they had to do it quickly. Suzy and Haha are everything so Suzy's team ends up winnning since they were able to get Gwangsoo and Gary out.

Destined Partners: Everyone gets to graduate haha, lame. Now everyone has to pick up a key that leads to a certain room in the school. They had flower boy, girl's room, class clown, that's all I could register. They then put their key in an envelope with their names on it and put it in a mailbox, for future purposes. Kind of like a letter to your future self. 
Fast forward 5 years they are at a University lmaooo. They get to open their letters and go to their rooms they chose. Gwangsoo is in the disciplinary committee room since was a self-proclaimed President of the class lol. 
They open their letters in the room, but in each room there's something different, the items they were hiding back in school. Jong Kook opens the letter and it says that "Among the group there is a destined pair. With the items in front of you, go up in front of the Mystery Mirror with a partner who you think you're destined with. Ahhh, so that's what was happening to Gwang Soo and Suk Jin at the beginning when they were talking to the mirror. 
Of course everyone starts hitting on each other (mainly the females) to see if they're partners and hope they picked their right items...Because once you leave the room you were in you could only leave with 1 item.
Haha and Ji Hyo team up and they failed at being partners.
Another thing to note is that not all of the mirrors work, some are broken. Of can't be too easy Running Man!
Suzy and Jae Suk thing they're partners since Jae Suk had a whistle and Suzy had a recorder. Turns out they weren't partners, but in blood red letters (side note, for those that don't know In Korea, if something is written in red letters, it means death, so don't write anything in red!!!!) it says Including yourself, in groups of 3, one of you will die. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh SNAP! IT'S STARTING. 
I will ask a question, answer in O or X. Jae Suk asked "Between us two, will we die? X So Jae Suk and Suzy are good, but the next person they meet up with if they happen to be together, that person will die....Veryyyy interesting. 
But all of a sudden, there's a broadcast now. If 3 of you meet, including yourself, one of you will die. OOHHHH that's super good for Jae Suk and Suzy!!! Everyone has to watch out, but the problem is that no one knows who became a "couple" at least that's what Haha thinks. Haha thinks that someone did become a couple, but that's not true.
LMAAAAOO EVERYONE IS SCARED NOW, they only talk in 2 so if a 3rd person comes around the corner they get scared lol and start running all over the place.
Jong Kook and Haha try the mirror here's the response: You two are not a pair....If you look behind you, YOU DIE. Ask 1 question, O or X will be the answer. So they ask between the 2 of us will we die and they too got X Ok so now wait a minute. If it ends up like this who can die??
Bare with me. Jae Suk and Suzy are exempt from the group of 3 thing, Jong Kook and Haha can get everyone else out if they are in groups of 3 and they make that person look back. Ok. But the hard part is that no one wants to be in a goup of 3....( EXCEPT JAE SUK OR SUZY bc they're exempt so they...but then...Haha or Jong Kook would be out) AH I'm confused...
Well, they made the broadcast, so now everyone in 2s walk together facing one way HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. God.
Suk Jin and Gwangsoo try, which takes us back to the beginning and why they looked so foolish lol. They also aren't a pair, but new rule If you scream you die.
Everyone asks the same question and everyone gets the just who will die?? No one is falling for the tricks....
Gwangsoo, Sukjin and Suzy run into each other, but they end up being fine...So they think it's Haha, Jong Kook, Gary, Ji hyo or Jae Suk. They come up with a plan to lure Jong Kook. Suzy and Jong Kook...then they bring in Gwangsoo and trap Jong Kook in a room. HAHAHAHA nothing happens, but once Suk Jin enters I TOLD YOU NOT TO MAKE GROUPS OF 3!!!! And Jong Kook gets out HAHAHA. 
Then it's revealed that Suzy and Ji Hyo cooked up a plan!!!! They turned out to be the Destined Pair.
Cue "Tale of Two Sisters" hahaha. Suzy and Ji Hyo are actually ghosts and their goal is to get everyone out. Inside of those letters that they put in the future, it determines how they will be out. Jong Kook was out because he likes to be enclosed with friends, Jae Suk gets the ugly haha, Haha is reserved, so this is how they will get people out. Interesting. But scripted hahaha thanks Running Man.
So they start off. Another curse is revealed, get wet you get out but that's for Gary. 
Something new happens, Gary and Ji hyo try (obviously not the couple) and instead of a curse they are told to Find the Locker. Hmmmm. Odd
So Suzy is able to get Haha out by making him scream by just simply scaring him lol. Ji Hyo is able to get Gwangsoo to turn around but slapping him hard on the head LMAAAAO.
New curse for Suk Jin Caught with both feet on the ground you die. So Gary helps Suzy out and gets Suk jin lol.

Gary starts looking for the locker and finds 1) a sticker used to put on a dead person and validate them and 2) the yearbook revealing Ji Hyo and Suzy as ghosts. Jae Suk meets with Gary and Jae Suk too has a sticker that was hidden in a vase. 
So Jae Suk and Gary set off to stick them. But Suzy is able to lure them with her water hahaha. Suzy splashes it on Gary and Ji Hyo at the same time makes Jae Suk ugly.

So the two sisters win hahaaha. Cool

This was a good episode!! I wish they played up the scary more haha. And with Ji Hyo crying that was A SET UP man. You fooled me Running Man!!! But still a good episode! Definitely recommend it hahaha.

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