Saturday, August 3, 2013

I Hear Your Voice Final Episode Review

I know I'm a little behind in posting this but better late than never haha plus I've been busy.
I Hear Your Voice has finally come to an end after an extra week of episodes and it still couldn't wrap things up entirely for me.

It is a happy ending of course, like we all knew it would be. Min Joong Guk ends up being captured thanks to Soo Ha alerting Lawyer Cha about Hye Sung's kidnapping. Lawyer Cha ends up calling the police and SWAT team arrive ready to take Min Joong Guk down.
The show ends with Soo Ha and Hye Sung getting together and live with their cuteness forever. There could be a possible love line between Lawyer Cha and Seo Deo Yeon and I am 100% there fore it. Min Joong Guk gets life in prison instead of the death penalty which works for me and everyone else I think. And finally we get a glimpse on why and how Min Joong Guk became a murderer and the reason for his revenge.

Jang Hye Sung definitely displays her growth alot in the final episode. We see that she actually cares about her job and she's not just living her life as a public defender but instead doing her best as a public defender. I wouldn't say that she has had tremendous growth but her personality has definitely changed for the better. She finally learns how to express her love a bit better compared to before. She was always very stubborn even with her mother so after her death, she transformed into a loving person who cares about people more than just herself. She stopped being selfish. She expressed her love to Soo Ha after reading his diary he kept during those 11 years apart.  We all grew to love her character, even I hated her too at first hahaha but it's good to know she's more dependable now.
Final Thoughts on Jang Hye Sung: I already know that Lee Bo Young is a great actress and she's pretty famous in Korea. Granted, I have not seen any of her other works but she did play this character really well!! She didn't have too many layers but she displayed the right emotions: bland, happy, sad, vunerable, anger. It was great. She showed tremendous growth and Lee Bo Young played Hye Sung perfectly!!

Park Soo Ha was perfect in every way. I loved his character and partly it was because of Lee Jong Suk haha. In the final showdown against Min Joon-guk, he showed us that he wouldn't become a monster like Joon-guk became. That was Min Joon-guk's plan, to have Soo Ha kill him and frame him for murder again. But Soo-ha wouldn't do it, no matter how hard Min Joon-guk pushed to get him to do it. After Soo Ha's summons for attempted murder was dropped, he was able to go to the Police Academy and fast forward, Soo Ha's a police officer!! WAY 2 GO!!
Final Thoughts on Soo Ha: I have seen Lee Jong Suk in so many roles, from School 2013, and R2B and let me just say, he's a GREAT ACTOR. I was skeptical of him at first, but he proved all of Korea he definitely has the acting chops and he's not just a model. He can ACT. In Soo Ha we saw so many different emotions and Lee Jong Suk played him flawlessly. At first he had a 1 dimension type personality, but once he lost his memory and started going crazy and what not, I saw the anger in his eyes, I saw the hurt in his eyes when he stabbed Hye Sung I saw the sadness and lonliness and I saw the love. Perfect. 2013 is Lee Jong Suk's year!! He's played so many different roles it's incredible. He's funny, and now he showed us the melodrama side of him. Props. I wouldn't say that his character changed in terms of character, but he's had the most growth obviously. He's finally a man.

Min Joon-guk. I started feeling sorry for him myself in the last episode. He only wanted to save his wife man. Soo Ha's dad was totally in the wrong, just for Soo Ha's mom to die anyways after the rejection of the heart transplant. Honestly that would've killed me and I totally see why Min Joon-guk went to the dark side. He just wanted to save his wife and he lost horribly to Soo Ha's dad. Painful stuff. But where he went wrong at is obviously when he decided to become a psychopath. I think the great moral of this story is to not exact revenge and just let God handle that stuff. Soo Ha's mom dying would've been enough for me (even though that is totally wrong to say) because that would've been my revenge. If Min Joon-guk had just let God handle it, that would've been the karma and they both could've lived without their wives. Sounds wrong but what can you do. Min Joon-guk didn't have to go kill Soo-ha's father. But hey, I can't really blame him for seeking revenge like that.
Final Thoughts on Min Joon-guk: I love villains with story lines. Jung Woong In played Min Joon-guk fantastically. Great actor. I loved him in the last 2 episodes because that's when we saw the most emotion out of him throughout the entire drama. The flashbacks to his dying wife, up to right before he was sent to prison in the final episode. Great actor. I think we all felt sympathy for him at one point but he chose that path and now he has to rot in prison. Be sure to look out for him on the "I Hear Your Voice" parody on Running Man!!!!

This was a great drama. I did enjoy about the first 10 episodes because of it's originality but then it crossed over into the typical makjang/melo concept and it almost lost me. I was getting so tired of the drama I almost gave up on it. Right when Soo Ha lost his memory, I felt like that was such an unnecessary detour in plot it killed me. Yes everything pieced together in the end, but it wasn't necessary to me. This drama was so fresh and funny that when it went down that hole, I stopped liking it. It was so good at first, but I think the writers got a little too carried away. It did have it's good moments however, it did keep the elements of suspense and humor which I liked, just the storyline lost me. I do recommend this drama, it had been a while since I saw a great Korean comedy! The actors were great, perfect cast too be honest, not a single actor was lacking in anything so kudos to the casting directors, everyone had great chemistry!!
Drama Rating: 7.0/10

1 comment:

  1. His dad was not in the wrong at all they both wanted to save their wives, the other guy just wanted someone to blame. He would have done the exact same thing and worse since what he became.
