Monday, September 16, 2013

Running Man Episode 163 Review

Yay! Big Bang! Big Bang!!!
Steal Princess Ji Hyo's Heart ft G-dragon, Seungri and Daesung of Big Bang!!!!
DUMB AND DUMBER!!!!(if you know what I'm talking about, you're awesome)

This entire episode is about serving Ji Hyo obviously and the winner of the final mission gets her heart and gold she's collected from the previous games. You have Jong Kook, Gwang soo and Daesung as the yellow team, Haha, Seungri and Suk Jin as the blue team, and GD, Jae Suk and Gary as the red team.

Paddy Rice Field: LMAOOOO basically the tie each group up and have to pull their weight all the way to the other side of the field and collect Ji Hyo's flag. There are 3 flags. The race is hard because the farther you go out, the harder it is to tug. Think of this as tug of war but not against another team haha. AFTER SOOOO MUCH FOOLISHNESS lmao Yellow Team wins....Obviously lol, Jong Kook and Daesung on a team makes them a force. Red Team was really close, they won a round, but Yellow Team one the final round. Blue team did not win any rounds lmaoooooooooooooooooooooo. Poor them.

Rest Stop Mission: At the rest stop, they have to guess which food Ji Hyo wanted to eat. She chose Jjangbom(?) and it was funny seeing them fight for it lmaoooooooo. But in the end Red Team won.

Dogs: Hahaha they have to guess which dog Ji Hyo likes as they visit a dog park. Amongst the dogs was a Yorshire Terrier, Jack Russel terrier, bull dog, poodle, Dachshund, Saint Bernard and others hahaha. But Ji Hyo liked the bull dog picked  Jong Kook haha he knew she liked that style, she's not about the face lmao.

Meanwhile, throughout these missions, the winners who come in 1st place receive hints. Each team gets a chance to pick a card. Ji Hyo has cards 10,11,12,13 so everyone else has to pick between 2-13. At the final game these cards will be relevant

Dedicate a Rose: I love these water missions!! It makes me want to go to a water park but summer ends this week T__T Anyways, one person on each team has to jump rope on a water mat floating on top of the water in the pool, then run across the water mat with a rose and throw it at Ji Hyo. She will be holding out a basked to catch it if she likes you. If not, she can avoid it hahaa. You have 1 minute to dedicate the rose. Of course it's really difficult trying to jump rope on WATER lmaoooo and the Yellow Team failed because Jong Kook broke the jump rope lmaooo. Next is Blue Team, they were close but Seungri didn't throw far enough and they ran out of time. Red team does really good because Gary jump roped really fast (not surprised) and they all jump roped but GD did something wrong. When he jumped he plopped down on the ground after completing it, he didn't get back up. No one noticed this so GD was able to throw his rose at Ji Hyo and she caught it but Blue and Yellow team threw GD under the bus LMAOOOOOOOO. So that was invalid and Ji Hyo makes them do it again lol. So Red Team starts but as they're running across the mat, the blue and yellow team move the mat so by the time Gary gets to the end of the mat he's halfway across the pool LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. So they failed. Blue team tries and as Haha goes across Gwangsoo interferes by rolling up the mat LMAOOOOOOOO so Haha is forced to throw the rose far away lol. When Suk Jin goes Gwangsoo winds the road in a different direction so Suk Jin too ends up throwing the rose from a far lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Red team goes and there's more interference lmao. They cut the mat in half and they move Ji Hyo LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
Eventually Blue team wins lmaooo. I think they decided to quit the foolishness and change it up so they could win 1st place at least once since they've lost all the time.

Final: With the cards everyone had, their goal is to beat Ji Hyo's combined card numbers. Each team has the chance to swap their cards. If they beat Ji Hyo they get the gold, if after the sway and Ji Hyo still has the highest number, she gets the gold lol. So the first team Ji Hyo goes up against is Blue team. They had 2,3,7 and Seungri picks up Ji Hyo's 11. But Ji Hyo takes their 7 card LMAOO. So Ji Hyo had 46 now she has 42 and Blue Team has 16 LMAO. Next up is Red Team. GD picks Ji Hyo's 12 to add to their 4,6,8. Red team has 24 and Ji Hyo picked up their 6 so she has 36 now. Yellow team is last and they pick Ji Hyo's 6 which she got from the Red team lmao. They had 1,5,9. So now Yellow team has 12 LMAO and Ji Hyo picked up their 9 lmao. So Ji Hyo has 39 she gained thanks to them lmaooo jeez...But that was just the 1st round. In the 2nd round Blue team gets 23, Red team gets 29, and Yellow just gets 14 lmao. Ji Hyo is drastically losing and Blue team caught up quickly Final round is intense because Ji Hyo could take back her high cards. Ahhh nerve wracking lol. At they finish swapping Ji Hyo has to discard her 4th card since that still puts her at an advantage even if she had all low cards. Gary gets to choose the card she has to throw away. AHHHH intense lol. Blue teams total is 19 lol, Red had 25, Yellow had 9 lmao. Ji hyo had 38 lmaooo. She picked up her high cards except for 13 and 12 lmaooo. Soooo she gets all the gold. Of course.

This was a funny episode especially with the water and the paddy field, but it was too rigged. I don't think Ji Hyo needed to win the gold again. She's already won numerous times and Running Man is getting repetitive with the winners. Suk Jin hasn't won anything by himself at all after 3 years and 163 episodes. It's always the same people winning: Ji Hyo Jae Suk ji hyo jae suk jong kook, Gary. It would be nice to see Haha and Suk Jin win more and Gwangsoo. I think this is also one of the reasons why Running Man has been losing ratings alot. The games are fun and so are the guests, but the outcome is almost 70% the same. 3 years and it's been the same thing. Running Man producers need to come up with harder, thought provoking games where it's not too obvious. 
But I still love the characters, I just think it's repetitive that Ji Hyo wins all the time.
BUT I LOVED BIG BANG!! GD was sooooooooooooooooo cute!!

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