Monday, July 9, 2012

Running Man Episode 102

Oh my gosh, I just melt when I say his name. He is soooooo sexy now it's ridiculous. He was such a dork in 'Dream High' so now he's grown and oooooooooh Lawd. Anyways, new episode of Running Man, is a continuation of last week, when Ji hyo and the 3 guests were supposed to get the gold. However, they failed and the gold went to Haha and Gary. Turns out, the boss that is over everything is Kim Soo Hyun!! So now, he has to take care of everything himself. Hahahahahha.

THE BEST RUNNING MAN OPENER FOLLOWS LMAO. Oh my gosh. You see Ji hyo and Haha rolling up dressed as spies on some super awesome segways followed by a van containing the other members. LOL. They get out and start running with Jae Suk in the lead with a water gun, shooting down officers LOL. My goodness.

 The proceed inside with Suk jin being the master at opening locks and opens a gate. Then Jong Kook is used to take down the guards and he just flings and flips them aside LMAO. 
Then Ji hyo has to get through the lasers because that's her specialty and she just rolls under them LOLLLLLL. 

Then Gary has to diffuse the bombs and they are arguing over which wire to cut using English BWAHAHAHAHA ROFL LMFAO!! Oh my GOSH. Gary diffuses the bomb and now it's Gwangsoo's turn, he has to open the safe. They are rushing him using English BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA. Inside the safe are 7 Golden Turtles which they were looking for, so Gwangsoo packs them in Haha's backpack while he was sprayed by Jae Suk LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.

 They leave Haha and Haha goes with the backpack, running outside to a wire. The members meet him outside and right before he goes down he yells, 'The one who owns the wire!!!' BWAHAHAHA. And he slowly goes down lol. What was the point in that. I thought he was gonna zipline or something LOL. 

Anyways, the go to a boat with Kim Soo Hyun closely watching them.
It's revealed that he came onto the show to get the gold which his subordinates couldn't succeed in getting because they were so pathetic lol, last week was awesome and hilarious. He gets a huge water gun and special fluid. Once the fluid is sprayed onto the nametag, it disappears in 20 seconds, so the members wouldn't even realize they got shot. Ohoho!! Cool! So, he just has to eliminate everyone in order to get the treasure. Awesome possum.

Meanwhile, the members are in total bliss on the small yacht, just chillin and reflecting over their success. They start singing and dancing, Gary is hilarious lol. I LOVE RUNNING MAN!! Hahahaha.

The members sit down at a table and retrieve high-tec glasses that allow them to watch a short clip. Lee Deok Hwa slowly turns around in the chair just like from 'The Godfather' and they start cheering LOL.

 I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVEEE HIMMMMMMMM! Oh my gosh. Love him. Anyways, he tells them that amongst the 7 turtles, only 1 of them is real. Typical. They will know the real turtle at the final destination by putting in under a radar. If it's fake, it will explode. Omo. So, they have to go through missions at different locations and whoever comes if first will have the advantage of knowing how to differentiate between the real and fake. Cool.

Soo Hyun was listening in the entire time so he too knows the location and memorized the entire place with the 3D glasses.

At the campsite, Soo Hyun arrives first with a group of people dressed in black as a way to throw off the Running Men. In front of different tents, there is a big chunk of ice, therefore it has to do with whatever mission they need to accomplish. So Soo Hyun takes this as an opportunity to hide in one of the tents. But don't you think that's too obvious? There are a bunch of suspicious tents, I would be looking around all of them if they were just randomly there. But let's continue.

First Mission: Break the chunks of ice in order to get the mission card. Whoever comes in first will get to differentiate the fake and real golden turtles. They start off and immediately complain lol. The tools that are being used aren't helpful lol. Ji hyo and Jae suk run right in front of the tent Soo Hyun is in. The bad part is that Jae suk is facing the tent instead of his back LOL. Because Haha gets an actual hammer, it distracts Jae Suk and he runs away. So Soo Hyun has no prey. Awwwwwwwwwww. LOL. He's so upset it's cute!!!!

After a while, Ji hyo gets a hammer and tent pick with Gary. 

He cracks the ice for her, but the card is still suck, so Gary runs off and goes to crack his own ice, front...of Soo Hyun lol. Soo Hyun takes this chance and shoots Gary right as he gets the card out. Therefore, at the final destination, Gary will be automatically out kekekeke.

Everyone gets the card and it says to find Goldwan so they start yelling out for that. Gwangoo puts two and two together(no doubt thanks to the script or producers) that they need to find Dongwan, the FD that is constantly causing stress by putting his name together lol. They start chasing him but of course in the end, Commander grabs him! He latches himself on to Dongwan and like throws him around it's so funny!

 In the midst of the fight, Jae Suk sneakily steals Jong Kook's turtle. BWAHAHAHAHAHA.

When Jong Kook goes inside with Dongwan to find out if he has the real turtle, he realizes it's missing. BWHAAHAHAHA. Foolishness follows and the members immediately snitch on Jae Suk after Jong Kook offers them a deal. So, Gary gets to go in the tent with Jong Kook to see. Jong Kook's turtle is fake.

Meanwhile, once the members are too bothered with the turtles, Soo Hyun sneaks out of his tent and escapes with no suspicions!

Soo Hyun gets to the market place first but is immediately recognized by school girls even though he's in the van. LOL. Aww poor thing. His cover will definitely be blown.

Second Mission: The members also arrive and they are asked to be weighted with everyone together. This has been done before in the earlier episodes. The mission is they get 10,000 won, whoever adds 1kg to their weight first will come in first.

Soo Hyun then enters the market place with a cap and mask. But that would definitely attract my attention. Is that a terrorist? A robber lol? He's completely dressed in black with a backpack! Wouldn't you be suspicious??

The members go to eat Ddeukbokki and Soo Hyun is hiding right behind them in a clothing store. He has the perfect opportunity to shoot Jong Kook, Haha, and Ji hyo, the Ace Team....but he loses it. They end up eating very quickly, so right when Soo Hyun makes his move, they start leaving. LOLLLLLLLL. Awwww, he's sooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuuutttttttttteeee. He gives up because it's way too crowded and goes to the final destination.

Haha ends up gaining weight first so he will get to inspect his turtle. And it's fake LOL.

Final Mission: It's at the SBS Production center and Kim Soo Hyun of course arrives first for the final battle. He's going around looking for a good place to hide. He's soooooooo cute, oh my gosh, he's such a dork.

The members arrive and they are told that they will enter one by one. Haha suggests that they go in according to the number that is on the tortoise, meaning Jong Kook will enter last. This is an advantage to everyone LOL. Haha tries to make a coalition against Jong Kook so he's pissed. Haha will die by Jong Kook's hands LOL. Haha goes in first and they immediately start talking about him. LOL. Then Gwangsoo follows and they talk about him LOL. Then Suk Jin who always starts the real race once he's out LOL. Then Gary who they should never underestimate because he has won Running Man Survival twice. Then Ji hyo goes and Jae Suk and Jong Kook state how Ji hyo already has alot of gold, she could open a jewelry shop. LOL. 

So Jae Suk and Jong Kook form an alliance. LOL. But once Jong Kook is left outside he says, 'Pffsht. What coalition. We survive alone. In the end, there's only 1 gold tortoise.' LOLLLLLL. That's right. TRUST NO ONE.

So everyone enters and the final battle begins!

Jong Kook is mainly focused on getting Haha out and Soo Hyun is still showing his cute incompetentness lol.

Jong Kook gets to relive the long corridor where he turned into a beast in the first Survival Game and boy was he scary. IT WAS SO HILARIOUS AND AWESOME!!! That's the first time I actually saw fear in their eyes lol.

 So when Jong Kook is walking by looking for Haha, he finally finds him and immediately begins the chase. OMG LOL. He's yelling and everything. 

Meanwhile, Jae Suk is just chillin in the wardrobe room, looking at all the clothes and finds something with a Running Man sticker on it. It's a gold inscription that'll help with the final location. Gary too finds one!

Jae suk and Gwangsoo meet up and have fun with fake doors and what not. Then everyone is together, but Jong Kook shows up and immediately starts chasing Haha lol. Haha escapes and starts praying to Jesus about how, this can't be a variety show, it's too scary. LOL.

Soo Hyun finally finds a good place to hide and uses his watergun as bait so he can hide behind the door. Good thinking. Now he can finally start showing he's the real boss. He's so cute haha.

Gary finds 2 more gold inscriptions, and he finds out the name of final location. But because Soo Hyun got him out, earlier, he's out of the game. Awwwww poor thing! And he was doing so well!!!

Everyone has blank faces because they don't understand how he could just be out. Even his nametag wasn't torn off. Ahhhh, so cool it is!

Easy Brothers team up and find Dongwan and they latch onto him. Oh, so is he gonna tell them if their gold is fake??

Haha is again running from Jong Kook and goes into the room that Soo Hyun is hiding in!!!!! *GASP* Haha has no idea what's going on though and asks if he's on the show. LOL. Duh. Why would an actor be hiding in the dark alone...with a cameraman. But I guess he's so scared of Jong Kook who happens to be right outside. 

Haha and Soo Hyun team up and succeed by luring Jong Kook into the hiding room. Soo Hyun scares the shit out of Jong Kook and he successfully tears off his name tag. BAM. KIM JONG KOOK OUT! I can't believe he's out before Suk Jin and Gwangsoo are out lol.

Next victim, Jae Suk. Haha lures him in and Soo Hyun scares the shit out of him LOL. JAE SUK OUT.

Meanwhile, Gwangsoo goes to get his gold checked with Dongwan. AND IT'S REAL!! BWAHAHA. He's so shocked. But he has to put on his acting face in order to get past Suk Jin. However, Suk jin immediately knows his is real since Gwangsoo won't trade with him LOL. Suk jin then looks at the turtle's tail and realizes that his tail is bent. LOL. So apparently, the bent tails are fake. 

Haha and Soo Hyun find Ji Hyo, but Soo Hyun is disguised as a cameraman. Good thinking! He's FINALLY getting it together. He tries numerous times to get her name tag, but it's not easy because her bag is slightly covering it. He grabs the name tag, but slips. Good job. Identity revealed. LOL. Ji hyo starts yelling his name, but then she takes off Haha's nametag LOLLLLLLLLLL. Omo. Well. He had to die sooner or later. So Soo Hyun runs away. Sucks. HAHA OUT!

Easy Brothers are scared. So Suk jin thinks they should battle. Soo hyun finds them but starts laughing since they will just take each other out LOL. So he's hiding and listening so he finds out that Gwangsoo's gold is real. The Easy Brothers will have a duel LOL. I think I see how this might end.

They start fighting and it's so pathetic. I am literally dying with laughter BWAHAHAHAHA. In the end, Gwangsoo takes Suk jin's name off. Then Soo Hyun comes charging at Gwangsoo, who surprisingly counterattacks. But it's not enough for Soo Hyun, he tears it off so quickly. LOL. Suk jin and Gwangsoo are soooooo shocked LOLLL. 

So now, Soo Hyun collects all the gold bars and goes to 'Prop Storage' for the final location. He puts all the gold he found into the box and he gets the real gold tortoise!! Yay!! He won!!! I was skeptical at first but he pulled through!!!

This was a hilarious episode and it was cool too!!! I've loved the past 3 episodes so it seems like I've gotten my wish that the Running Man producers would switch things up a little. And I want Jong Kook to chase everyone again. WITH THE BELLS. I miss that haunting sound. But anyway, this was great. Next week seems awesome too. Kim Soo Hyun is so adorable!!! He's sexy for 1 minute, then adorable the next!! Wahhh!!!! Feel free to leave a comment.


  1. agree with you. I think it's his first variety show and he's freshman. Running man's guys really skillful. he worked alone against 7 members. Then maybe he's nervous. Kimsoohyun is a famous in korea. people notice him that would make it hard for him to complete his mission.

    1. yea i understand. But he was so adorable, i didn't mind his nervousness

  2. Yeah, Soo Hyun was completely clueless (if Haha hadn't start helping him, he probably would just be hiding and hesitating till the show ends!!). And he was adorable, but he was such a coward too! When he couldn't get Jihyo's nametag the first time, he wanted to run straight away. Even when Haha held Jihyo, he still wouldn't dare to take her nametag off. It was kinda funny to watch.

    1. yes, but I just found him super cute. i wonder what would've happened if Haha hadn't helped him. I think the producers told him to start moving LOL

  3. AWW,,soo hyun :)
    can I ask a question?
    who the first Running Man got his/her nametag sprayed by kim soo hyun's special fluid?
    is it Gary?

    1. Yes, Gary was the first to be sprayed by Soo Hyun

  4. when did jihyo get out?soo hyun didnt rip her name tag!!!!how can he win?
