Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Running Man Episode 120 Episode Review

I'm letting yall know right now I don't like Park Shin Hye, I am seriously forcing myself to watch this episode.
007 Part 1 Water Sniper is this week's episode, starring the wonderful Lee Seunggi and...Park Shin hye. Ugh. I have accepted all the female guests, but this. *Let me calm down*

Ok this episode was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny, I could NOT capture all the moments.
This was seriously the most hilarious Running Man episode ever!! They gave them the HARDEST missions!!!!
Lee Seunggi didn't turn out to be very valuable, he was pretty confused the whole time, a babo LOL. In the end he won though against Suk Jin. Shin Hye was actually more useful than I thought she would be! She wasn't an irrelevant female guest, she was actually needed in her team. However, in the final face off, she couldn't do anything and resorted to aegyo. NO, you must use force!! Shin Bong Sun will show you how it's done....wait...how come Jung Juri hasn't been on this show??????????????/ I MISS HER lol. Anyways.
The missions were incredibly difficult and harsh. Hopefully for part 2 they will give them a rest. Great episode, WATCH IT, super funny!!

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