Thursday, July 19, 2012

Bridal Mask Episode 16

Mannnnnn~ this drama keeps getting realer and realer. This is my favorite drama!!

Basically all you need to know:

1)Kang-to was able to save his ass at the last minute by exclaiming his love for Mok Dan, twice. He loves his woman!! That sort of distracted Shunji from thinking he's Gaksital, but both of them are taken in for interrogation. Kang-to gets his ass beat and when Shunji finally questions Kang-to, it's filled with mind games. Kang-to is able to weasel himself out of his hole by saying, Remember when Damsari's crew tried to kill me in the club? How could I possibly be a traitor? By loving a traitor's daughter, does that make me Gaksital? Yes. Lol, but Shunji buys it because there is no real evidence that Kang-to is Gaksital. But he's not necessarily in the clear either.

2)Mok Dan is the most annoying heroine I have ever encountered. Seriously. She gets on my nervesssssssssssssssss because she screws everything up all the time. She has too much pride and irks me. GET WITH THE PROGRAM. Gosh I hate her! I thought eventually I would like her because she's the heroine, but no, she still annoys the crap out of me for 16 episodes.

3) From here on out, this is a serious war between Shunji and Kang-to like it's intense now! Yea, they still have love for each other because at the end of this episode Shunji saves his ass and Kang-to as Gaksital never really wants to fight Shunji. It's time to stop acting like pussies and get this over with LOL.

What a nail biter. This is a great series, I don't want it to end but it needs to lol. We seem to just be going in circles now, with Kang-to and Shunji digging each other's graves...


  1. I seriously don't get why people are hating on MokDan...I really like her. She is a strong and kick ass character. I don't get how she screw things up all the time. And also, I thought she had to be prideful... since you know she is a freedom fighter and all...

  2. I use to dislike MD. But i put myself in her shoes. First, she doesn't even know Kang-to is Gaksital. I mean how can she? *Kang-to beat her up in the earlier episodes. So he's the BIG BAD wolf* So for her it probably doesn't make any sense that Kang-to = Gaksital. Unless MD makes the connection to his wound. On a side note I definitely love the fact that she's the one getting mindF*** *excuse the language* the most. Yeah, it's pretty annoying that she hasn't catch up yet, but us *the viewers sees everything that goes on* have to keep in mind the characters are a little bit slow. For me, MD is pretty much in confusion. Yeah she might not be the "badass and kickass" character we thought she would be. But for a girl she got Ball of steel. *fist pumps* and that's why i like her. I just wish more people realize the where she is at, because dang, this is one complicated story.

    1. I know I know I understand. I find this an error in writing because I expressed this in an earlier review of one of the episodes. It doesn't make sense how Kang-to could just all of a sudden have feelings for her in Mok Dan's point of view. I just hate that she doesn't help the situation despite her being a freedom fighter anymore. At first it was great, now it's getting old. I like that she's very resilient, everytime she's caught, they let her go, then they catch her again. I would be hella pissed lol. I just wish the writers would have her catch up bc I'm so used to heroines in other dramas to finally catch up hahaha.
