Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Faith Episode 1 Review

Ok, so not much happens in this drama which made it hard for me to watch at first. Seriously. I couldn't tell where the plot was going, the actors besides Lee Min ho were boring, everyone looked so serious I couldn't tell what was going on. But towards, the end, it finally caught my attention!

Choi Young is a bodyguard that possesses supernatural powers and he's kick ass. One night, the queen gets her throat slit so Choi Young must find a way to save her since his powers and acupunture isn't really enough. Instead of finding 'God's doctor' in Heaven, he travels through time and ends up in Seoul 2012...lmao

Yoo Eun-soo plays an ex-plastic surgeon who does seminars and all that other stuff, when all of a sudden, Choi Young walks in lmao. He demands that she save the queen and literally starts slicing innocent people's throats. Man. He's for real. My jaw was like, 0___0. YOU CANNOT JUST DO THAT.
Anyways, she proves helpful to him so he's able to open the portal to take her back to his world. Of course, she's been like wtf 0_0 the whole time lmao.

Overall, I'm interested to see where this is going because earlier, I had no clue. It was boring, nothing interesting except the fact that there's supernatural powers involved in the characters. Things didn't pick up for me until Choi Young traveled to the future. I loved the WTF moments. Just like 'Rooftop Prince' but not as hilarious. This time, we are taking the heroine to the past.
There's obviously going to be more to the plot than just saving the queen because that can take like 2 episodes. There has to be a real conflict. So we'll see. The chemistry seems good. Oh, and Lee Min ho is SEXY.

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