Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Faith Episode 2

So we delve more into the characters in this episode, however I'm still drawing a blank as to what the point of this drama is exactly.

1)The King is a douche. He's greedy and wants the people of his country to like him and stop sneering at him. With the help of the doctor, seeing as to how she did cure the queen successfully, perhaps everyone would see him as all powerful. Therefore, Eun soo can't return to Seoul 2012. Unfortunately. Also, the portal is closing quickly since time is different in the past and present. Welp.

2)We  are introduced to the Bad Crew and it seems that withing the king's palace or whatever, there are traitors, that's why they keep getting attacked. There's no reason as to why they keep attacking them so we'll just have to wait and see for that.

All in all, there's not much happening here. Everyone is extremely serious, there's no comic relief except for Eun-soo. When she's not on the screen, the story line is veryyyy boring to me because the plot hasn't been revealed. I feel like we aren't going ANYWHERE. Plus, she can't go back to her own world so what else is there left to do? I guess she'll have to make adjustments. OH, can someone please explain to Eun-soo that she is not in 2012 on a filming location lol. It was funny, now it's annoying.
We need to see more into how these characters actually are and I admit that I find it very interesting. But that's just it. The drama doesn't get interesting until the latter half. Like the fact that Choi Young stabs himself since he had to break his promise based on the Warrior Way, and he's gonna die lol.
Great cliffhangers, that's the only way I can keep tuning in. I want to know what happens next. 

I'm getting close to giving up on this drama though...

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