Thursday, August 16, 2012

To the Beautiful You Episode 1 Review

Woohoo, it's finally here! The first episode!!

I'm gonna try sooooooooo hard not to spoil this drama for you guys, I almost didn't want to do a weekly review because I've seen Hana Kimi!! But then I realized, not EVERYONE has seen Hana Kimi or the Taiwanese version therefore, since I want to refresh my memory, I'll do reviews if I can.

So, plot line: Tae Joon, the amazing jumper, catches Jae Hee's eyes during the Junior Olympics. He inspired her so much, she fell in love with him and decided to cut all her hair and attend the all boys school in order to get close to him. There is no logic in that, I know lmao. However, one day, Tae Joon suffers an incident which causes him to chill out on jumping, however once he's healed, he's not quite the same anymore. He can't make the jumps! So, Jae Hee pretty much wants to try to get him to jump again. There. I'm trying to so hard not to spoil the ending lol. Now, spoiler alert however this is in the plot description, Tae Joon DOES find out that Jae Hee is a female, so he has to keep her secret throughout the various trials thrown her way. 
Ok, character introduction:
Choi Min ho plays Tae Joon, the uptight, serious, loser esque doesn't wanna have fun main male character. He can't figure out why he can't make the jumps, however I KNOW WHY, but I can't reveal it now hahaha. Ugh, the temptation. My problem with Minho is that there's no emotion. Yea, his character is very uptight, but Oguri Shun was able to portray the right emotions because he's an ACTOR, not an idol. Hopefully, he will improve.
Sulli plays Jae Hee, our awesome heroine. Incredibly awesome. I was worried about whether or not Sulli would meet my expectations, but so far, she's getting there. She's not as awesome like Hana Kimi, but she's pretty close. Also, her acting is mediocre because she's an IDOL, but hopefully she too can improve.
Lee Hyun Woo my boo plays the oh so awesome Eun Gyul who is amazing at soccer! In Hana Kimi, this character is soooooooooooo cheesy and sooooooo in love with the main girl, it's awesome. Like, I loved the guy that played him in Hana Kimi so I have great expectations from Lee Hyun Woo. So far, he's doing it correctly! He's cute, and awesome, but the cheesyness factor hasn't gone over the meter yet so I'll wait to when Eun Gyul will actually start developing feelings. Eun Gyul is the best friend/protector of Jae Hee. Totally awesome, ya'll have no idea how awesome he was in Hana Kimi.
And now we have our bitch of the show, however, she's not that trivial unless in this version they make her out to be that way. I don't remember much the female rival in Hana Kimi, I just remember the crazy stalker fans of Tae Joon were...But yea, Kim Ji Won(ahhhhh I LOVED her from 'What's Up) plays Hanna, a rhythmic gymnast who is also in love with Tae Joon. Yea.

So, given what I've said so far, you can honestly tell where this drama is going. I mean it's the most typical, predictable manga ever so...yea. Like I said I will try hard not to spoil anything if I can predict that this is too going based off the drama versions instead of the manga.

In this episode, we are simply introduced to the characters, no conflicts however they WILL definitely arise hahaha. We are already told at the end of the episode that the doctor finds out she's a girl. So. I'll continue to tune in because it's funny and it has it's awesome moments just like in Hana Kimi!!


  1. It's Choi Minho
    Not Lee Minho

  2. I'm so looking forward To the beautiful episode 2 review. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

    1. I did not review every episode. You can go to for it, however I did leave a drama review for every episode.
